Monday 5 September 2016

Where do we go from here?

It's anybody's guess, but do they think us Remainers are going away now that we're the oppostion after all the years the Tory lunatic fringe and Ukippers chipped away at democracy? Some hope has to come from Open Europe led by Streatham boy Chuka Umunna - one of the few in the Labour party who might offer charisma to match Sadiq Khan (and Nicola Sturgeon, for that  matter, the only other impressive leader), while all else implodes. By the way, I turned my Labour subscription over to Greenpeace long before the latest debacle, but only a couple of weeks ago decided to pay my subscription to the Lib Dems. No-one of great standing there at the moment, but they're the only hope in forming and leading a coalition to bring down the Tories.

Anyway, these marches to Parliament Square must go on. Saturday's was the first I've been around to part-attend, and the crowd hanging around for the speakers seemed a bit patchy by 2pm (the actual march had been scheduled for 11 to 1). Certainly the numbers were nothing like as big as they had been in July, but then that was a better-weather day and closer to the outcome.

I doubt if Parliament can vote, and a second referendum seems off the table, though the thinking behind it isn't so skewed: if a third of the nation was misled by a campaign based entirely on lies, why should we accept the result? Peter Tatchell (on the screen below) thought that result should be - well, I wish people would stop saying 'respected' and leave it at 'accepted'.

Meanwhile, I like the analogy between May's 'Brexit means Brexit' and 'Breakfast means Breakfast' - in which instance there are very many definitions of what your breakfast might be. Remainers are torn between thinking it might have been worse than that Theresa - we were heading Edinburgh-wards if Boris became PM - and remembering that she wielded some nasty false figures for her virulent anti-immigration campaign, and she hasn't changed her tune on that. And was she really playing a sly game putting Johnson, Fox and Davis in responsible positions? The first fall-out began to bite today as Davis' non-manifesto was virtually laughed out of the Commons. The only thing that so far seems certain is that any restriction of free movement means no access to the single market; that much is simple.

Well, we took some consolation on Saturday from the ever-spirited Eddie Izzard, who has long been out there and trying his best - which is formidable - in umpteen European languages. He told us that his pink beret had been snatched away by a hooded man; he gave chase, and a policeman - hurrah - wrestled the assailant to the ground. So there it was, the beret with the UK and EU flags on it.

One thing's for sure, the yellow stars and blue background have rarely been seen as merchandise, but here they are, selling like hot cakes. My Euroman thought he'd never see the day. And in an inelegant segue from Eddie's cross-dressing - though not without connection to the day of wrath, when RuPaul put across her slogan to British voters, 'And remember - don''t f**k it up' -  can I just say what terrific amusement and solace we're getting from RuPaul's Drag Race Series 7 and 8 AND Allstars 2, now that we've found how to access them at long last.

There have been some seriously inventive new catwalk looks, few more so than the 'bearded runway' sequence of Series 7. I'm not so far in to it, so please don't tell me who wins, but I have to sing the praises of two favourites - Violet Chachki as (in RuPaul's phrase) 'Peggy Sue got hairy'

and Katya Zamolodchikova, a very funny queen out of drag as well as in, giving us 'emancipation, proclamation realness' as Bab(e)raham Lincoln.

And since our great mamma hasn't appeared in this entry so far, let's feature her with a slogan that might serve all campaigns well at the moment.


  1. Yes, may the protests go on, and grow. It's certainly a wonderful sign that "the yellow stars and blue background have rarely been seen as merchandise, but here they are, selling like hot cakes." Love that!

  2. Yes, the EU has never been sexy before - now it's lapped up by the young. I take it that you never fell for RuPaul? I must admit that I had no interest in drag before I got hooked. Now I see it's theatre, and often highly creative at that.

  3. David, I read your latest three posts all in a row and realize now that I've been holding my breath through this one, lest you mention another attack on your physical health! Such a relief to assume that all has now completely healed and hope that's all behind you!

    You introduced me to RuPaul's Drag Race, so of course I often remember the favor, when I watch. Glad to have another chance to talk about it! This is also my first real exposure to this form of performance art, and the reality tv aspect of the episodes is what allows us some understanding of how complex the art is, as well as how personal. It's fascinating to see the contrast between the personality and the look, especially, of the contestants and their drag personas, and that's their acting. But it's also fascinating to watch them make their own transformations through make-up - and contouring! (who knew?!) - and even, some of them, design and sew their own costumes.

    When I first took your suggestion and started watching, I was immediately drawn to two types: older and/or bigger. We seem both to be watching All Stars 2 now, so it's no spoiler to mention that one of my favorites, Ginger Minj, is back. But, really, now there's hardly anyone I don't fall for! Michelle Visage still terrifies me, but the guest judges, occasional and frequent, have been so encouraging and a lot of fun. And, of course, I love Ru more with every season. What do you think of the approach to eliminations this All Star Season? -- Elizabeth

  4. You see, Sue, Elizabeth and I take it very seriously, much as it makes me laugh until I cry (and I have a permanent grin on my face all through every programme). Yes, the make-up lessons, the skill in sewing (that terrifies me), and all those different approaches from pageant queen to insult queen (Bianca, my personal favourite other than the adorable Ben de la Creme), Ru making us aware of their place in history. That great film Paris is Burning is the mother of it all, and how times have changed, how much more happy and free and unintimidated today's drag queens seem to be.

    I adore Michelle Visage - for anyone not familiar with the show, that's a REAL WOMAN but as camp as they come - but I can imagine she might be scary, a very tough showbiz personality. The Adore walkout was a bit upsetting - that personality seemed a bit too fragile to handle it all. Good twist on eliminations - it's only a game, after all.

    Don't want to bang on about post-op but I do still await the removal of my stent and getting more anxious by the day as Urology fails to phone. My doctor said there was a promise of a call today, though, so hopefully that will be sorted. I'm nervous because I can't see how it will be done without a general anaesthetic.
