Monday 10 September 2018

Norfolk churches walk: chchugging* again

14 churches in 14 miles on Saturday took us up to No. 204, St Bartholomew Hanworth, perhaps the most beautifully situated of all, though runner-up would be All Saints Bessingham, in the above picture of which you may just make out lunch being consumed (I carried the organ seat outside to sit opposite the other three on their bench).

An extensive chronicle just as in previous years - this is the one for 2017 - will appear in due course. Meanwhile, I should note the brasses of Felbrigg, the Seven Sacraments font of Gresham and the quirky bench-ends of Thurgarton, most pleasing of the interiors in its stripped-bare tending by the Churches Conservation Trust. Our related charity is the Norfolk Churches Trust; donations if you feel able, please, to Jeremy's JustGiving page here. Failing that, a kind word never goes amiss.

*Church charity mugging - though since I can't doorstep you, think of it as a gentle prod.


  1. We were also in Norfolk on Saturday and did a five church north Norfolk walk around the village of Salle. It really does seem to be well worth supporting. There must have been so many people living and working on that land that is now farmed but mostly uninhabited. See you for the opera class.

  2. Salle is famously one of the glories, and so lonely in its loftiness. Nearby Cawston's angel roof is splendid, too. I think we must have walked that area in our second walk before I started writing them up on the blog. Good for you, Meryl!
