Thursday, 23 January 2025

Enablers of the worst, defenders of the good

Pledged to stay off all media and focus entirely on work from Monday onwards. Easy enough on Zoom preparation and delivery days, but otherwise I couldn't avoid the Bluesky feed, despite blocking the words 'Trump', 'inauguration' and 'Musk'. At least I never heard any of the triumphal bile coming out of the monsters' mouths.

What can I say, except that the one thing I've learnt through experiencing a shattering event of this kind close to home for the first time is disgust at the enablers: the Democrats who attended the first big lie of a ceremony, the crowning of a convicted criminal (even Bernie Sanders was there, and preached reason; my greatest hope of all politicians, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, was not, and has been a fearless fighter-back so far); the Republicans and the police who were dumb enough not to believe that other criminals would be set loose in a pattern that mirrors exactly what Hitler did on the first day of his government; Congress and the American legal system which left us with the ludicrous situation of a thing in the White House who should have been behind bars long ago; above all the apologists and would-be explainers-away of That Salute, the media who told us to enjoy it all or normalised it (and that's not just the right wing press). 

Not all that was predictable. Nor was a person of the church pleading for mercy in front of the spawn of Satan - may there be more like her (top image by the brilliant Cold War Steve). The start of the horrors? Totally foreseen.

Enough already. I'll try to follow my own advice to work, walk in nature, see friends, go to the concert-hall, opera-house, theatre, cinema, art gallery. And otherwise my hands are full because I have a very important funeral to think about. That, at least, is falling into place.

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